From ever since, rice vermicelli with jellyfish has become an indispensable dish as well as a famous specialty of Nha Trang and even of the whole Central region.

In Nha Trang, there are two main kinds of edible jellyfish. One of them is the foot jellyfish. This kind has milky white color and feelers in thread shape. Foot jellyfish is very good for health since it can reduce the body heat; cure some diseases such as cough and lung inflammation.
With some good elements as protein, calcium, ferromagnetic substances, iota, foot jellyfish is also a great choice for those who go on diet and those whose have problem with cardiovascular.
In Nha Trang, people usually use foot jellyfish to cook with vermicelli.
When the jellyfishes have just been caught and cleaned carefully, they would turn into green and purple color, which is very beautiful.
After that, people would soak them into alum water so that the jellyfishes would shrink and clean them again with water.
Next, the jellyfishes will be cut into small slices and then parboiled.
The process of making the rice vermicelli with jellyfish also represents for the cuisine culture of the Central region.
The bouillon for the dish is cooked completely from fishes with a limited amount of spices. Other kinds of addictive are also got from the sea.
This dish always tastes best when it is hot. Parboil the rice vermicelli and put it into the bowl, then put some slices of jellyfish and some grilled chopped fish on. Then, pour the bouillon over.
Jellyfish, the main ingredient of the dish, would definitely bring a new experience for customers’ taste.
The combination of the crunchy jellyfish with the natural sweet of the bouillon makes the dish so tasty.
The season of jellyfish is the time between the end of spring and the beginning of summer. However, it is quite easy to find a delicious bowl of rice vermicelli and jellyfish at any time in Nha Trang.
Tourists who come to Nha Trang should not miss any chances to enjoy this tasty specialty. Although the dish is processed simply, it has brought the natural flavor from the sea to the customers.