It seems like the refined sweet of the litchi and lotus seed sweetened porridge can even ease the heat of these hot summer days.
Summer is the season of litchi and lotus seed. Normally, these two kinds of food are very easy to eat, nourish and tasty when enjoyed separately. However, their tastes could be even more delicious when they are combined in the sweetened porridge.
The litchi and lotus sweetened porridge is really delicious for its refined sweet, crunchy and greasy taste. Not only that, this dish is also very good for health.
Litchi is very good for brain, spleen and stomach. The pulp of litchi contains a high sugar content and some vitamins as B1, B2 and C, which are very good for skin and women’s health.
The lotus seed is especially good for those who have insomnia and headache. It is also very cool and can reduce the heat of the body.
Making the lotus seed and litchi sweetened porridge is not very difficult. Choose the litchi that is as big as the big toe. Under the rough and dark red peel, there is the thick and white pulp, which is so sweet and fragrant. The lotus seed for the dish should be well – rounded.
Remove all the litchi’s peel and seed. This process needs to be done cleverly so that the pulp would not be broken. Clean the lotus seeds, then stew them.
When the lotus seeds have been cool down, put them into the litchi pulp, make sure that the pulp will be at the middle of the litchi pulp.
The sweetened porridge can either be cooked from syrup or coconut water. But syrup would keep the natural sweet of litchi better than coconut water.
Put the litchi pulps with lotus seeds into the syrup, cook them on small fire until the litchi pulps resurface on the thick syrup.
The dish is so tasty with the fragrance and sweet taste of litchi and the greasy of lotus seed. With these special flavors, the litchi and lotus seed sweetened porridge is really an ideal snack for these hot summer days.