French detectives reported that Nguyen Ai Quoc (an alias of Ho Chi Minh) had visited the Sainte Genevieve Library in Paris twice.
Assigned by Communist International, Nguyen Ai Quoc attended the opening of a conference held by the General Assembly of Anti-imperialist Union in Brussels, Belgium.
At the conference, he met Molital Nehru (father of the future Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru) , Sukarno (who later became president of Indonesia), Song Qingling (Sun Zhongshan's wife), and Katayama Sen (a Japanese left-wing politician).
Ho Chi Minh was taken to a prison in Liuzhou, where he composed a poem titled “Arrive in Liuzhou on December 9”.
At the opening ceremony of the 9th session of the first National Assembly, on behalf of the Committee for Constitutional Amendment, he promised “to try to complete the duty assigned by the NA: making a draft Constitution that is appropriate for the progression of our people and the Fatherland.”
Presiding over a Government Council meeting on drafting the Law on Marriage and Family, he said, “The bill is aimed to build collective happiness, but primarily to liberate women. Therefore, when explaining the bill, women have to try to work hard to make the law to be thoroughly understood by all social classes, people and localities.”
On the same day, Nhan Dan (People) published his article titled “Party member’s standards.”
The article said, “When developing, the Party needs to make careful choices, attach much importance to quality, and shouldn’t act hastily and be greedy. When Party members are good, the Party will be strong. When the Party is strong, it is able to complete heavy but glorious duties.”
During a visit to Nghe An Province, he said, “Now, people are masters [of the country]. But you have to act like masters, don’t be lazy. Everyone has a responsibility to make people prosperous, and the country and defense strong.”
At Vinh Mechanics Factory, he said, “The working class is the ruling class, [you] have to act as a master so that other people can trust you. It’s the worker-peasant alliance, not peasant-worker alliance.”
At Nghe An Pedagogy School, he said, “All ethnic groups are brothers. More progressive and bigger groups have to help others become progressive and show solidarity like brothers in a family.”
On the same day, meeting veteran officials and Party members, he said, “You are models of enduring struggle to train young members. Therefore, you have to be generous and help young comrades. It is also a standard of communism morality. It will be good if the young generation is better than the old one, as people usually say, “A family has fortune if a child is better than his father.”
By Duong Trung Quoc* and his assistants
*The author is a historian and member of the National Assembly